References & Sources
Our research activities have been extensive and wide in scope.
Noted below are the sources and reading materials covered. Whilst no stone has been left unturned, there are numerous data gaps across the various themes we have investigated. Various (unaddressed) research questions - which we believe to be vital to address - present academics and insight specialists with countless pathways for future action.
In the spirit of open collaboration and greater data sharing we have offered to make our research fully available to others so they can learn from, and build off, on our own activities to date.
Abubakar, E. (2021). Scaling the growth of impact investing in African economies. Future African Forum. Link
Adebayo, D. (2018). Scaling in Nigeria with no Middle Class. Stears Business. Link
Adegbite, O. (2001). Business incubators and small enterprise development: the Nigerian experience. Small business economics, 17(3), 157-166. Link
Adegoke, Y. (2021). The truth about Africa’s tech talent shortage. Rest of World. Link
Adegoke, Y. (2022). In Africa’s booming startup hubs, the founders have become the funders. Rest of World. Link
Adeoye, A. & Schwartz, L. (2021). For foreign start-ups, all roads lead to Delaware. Rest of World. Link
Adomako, S., Amankwah-Amoah, J., & Chu, I. (2020). Entrepreneurs’ passion, home country’s institutional voids and small firm internationalization. Research in International Business and Finance, 53, 1-25. Link
ACCA (2019). Scale-up success: What do SMEs need to supercharge their growth? Link
Aernoudt, R. (2004). Incubators: Tool for entrepreneurship? Small Business Economics, 23(2), 127–135. Link
AfriLabs & Briter Bridges (2019). Building a conducive setting for innovators to thrive. Link
AfriLabs & Briter Bridges (2021). Bolstering innovators in Africa. Link
Africa Development Bank Group (2022). UN report: 41 Countries in Africa face maximum exposure in ‘three-dimensional crisis’ as a result of war in Ukraine. Link
Africa Tech Venture Capital (2022). Africa Tech Venture Capital Report. Link
African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (2021). Venture Capital in Africa. Link
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Agyenim-Boateng, T., Benson-Armer, R & Russo, B. (2015). Winning in Africa’s Consumer Market. McKinsey & Company. Link
Ahmed, A., & Nwankwo, S. (2013). Entrepreneurship development in Africa: an overview. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. Link
Ajayi, T., Fatunbi, O., & Akinbamijo, Y. (2018). Strategies for Scaling agricultural technologies in Africa. Accra Ghana: Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). Link
Ajene, E. (2020). Venture scale startups targeting Africa should start with a multi-country mindset. Afridigest. Link
Ajene, E. (2020). Should African entrepreneurs target the few affluent or the many low-income consumers? Afridigest. Link
Ajene, E. (2020). Why B2C e-commerce hasn't yet scaled in African markets. Afridigest. Link
Ajene, E. (2022). A dazzling January debut for tech startups in Africa. Afridigest. Link
Ajifowoke, M. (2022). With $700m raised in 2021, African startups are turning to debt. Techcabal. Link
Alexy, O., Criscuolo, P. & Salter, A. (2009). Does IP Strategy Have to Cripple Open Innovation? MITSloan Management Review. Link
Allen, D. N., & McCluskey, R. (1991). Structure, policy, services, and performance in the business incubator industry. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 15(2), 61-77. Link
Alozie, N. (2021). The Meritocracy Conundrum in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Social Science Review, 11(1), 3. Link
Altinger, B. (2013). A new model for innovation in big companies. Harvard Business Review. Link
Amaeshi, K. (2018). Africapitalism: Why Africa needs a tailed economic principle. African Liberty. Link
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Amah, O. E., & Oyetunde, K. (2019). Determinants of high-performance organizations in Africa: A conceptual framework and research propositions. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS), 8(4), 319-333. Link
Amankwah‐Amoah, J., Khan, Z., Ifere, S. E., Nyuur, R. B., & Khan, H. (2021). Entrepreneurs’ Learning from Business Failures: An Emerging Market Perspective. British Journal of Management. Vol. 0, 1–22. Link
Amankwah-Amoah, J., Khan, Z., & Wood, G. (2021). COVID-19 and business failures: The paradoxes of experience, scale, and scope for theory and practice. European Management Journal, 39(2), 179-184. Link
Andreessen, M. C. (2007). The only thing that matters. Pmarca. Link
Amezcua, A.S. (2010). Performance analysis of entrepreneurship policy: Which business incubators generate the highest levels of economic performance? Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 30(18), 691–705. Link
ANDE (2013). Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Diagnostic Toolkit. Link
ANDE (2018). Ethiopia - Entrepreneurial ecosystem snapshot. Link
ANDE (2018). Snapshot report - Gauteng. Link
ANDE (2018). Snapshot report - Rwanda. Link
ANDE (2021). What we know about cultivating entrepreneurial ecosystems. Link
ANDE (2021). Ghana - Financial Constraints to Entrepreneurs in Ghana. Link
Andersson, S. (2003). High‐growth firms in the Swedish ERP industry. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol 10(2), 180-193.
Ancona, D. & Isaacs, K. (2019). 3 Ways to Build a Culture of Collaborative Innovation. Harvard Business Review. Link
Appsafrica. (2022). A new Era for Angel Investing in Africa. Link
Argidius (2022). How to Fulfill the Potential of Business Development Services using SCALE. Link
Argidius (2019). Learning to scale effective enterprise development. A summary of what works. Link
Armstrong, C., & De Beer, J. (2021). A taxonomy to understand scaling of innovation by African enterprises. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 27, 1-22. Link
Arrighetti, A., & Lasagni, A. (2013). Assessing the determinants of high-growth manufacturing firms in Italy. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 20(2), 245-267. Link
Assenova, V. A. (2020). Early-stage venture incubation and mentoring promote learning, scaling, and profitability among disadvantaged entrepreneurs. Organization Science, 31(6), 1560-1578. Link
Audretsch, D. B. (2012, March). Determinants of high-growth entrepreneurship. Report prepared for the OECD/DBA International Workshop on “High-Growth Firms: local policies and local determinants. Link
Augustine, A. (2022). Venture funding is slowing down globally. Should African start-ups be concerned? Techcabal. Link
Augustine, A. (2022). Development finance institutions are looking to Africa’s digital frontier for impact and returns. Techcabal. Link
Autio, E., Arenius, P., & Wallenius, H. (2000). Economic impact of gazelle firms in Finland. Helsinki University of Technology Working Paper Series. Link
Atiase, V. Y., Kolade, O., & Liedong, T. A. (2020). The emergence and strategy of tech hubs in Africa: Implications for knowledge production and value creation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 120-307. Link
Attrey, A., Lesher, M., & Lomax, C. (2020). The role of sandboxes in promoting flexibility and innovation in the digital age. Going Digital Toolkit Policy Note, (2). Link
Azoulay, P., Jones, B. F., Kim, J. D., & Miranda, J. (2020). Age and high-growth entrepreneurship. American Economic Review: Insights, 2(1), 65-82. Link
Baah, B. (2022). The power of connections: Strengthening African tech ecosystems. Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Link
Bachmann, J. (2022). Founders, here’s how top VCs are doing due diligence on you. Sifted. Link
Bachmann, J. (2022). How founder diligence in venture capital is falling short. Sifted. Link
Bailetti, T., & Tanev, S. (2020). Examining the Relationship Between Value Propositions and Scaling Value for New Companies. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(2): 5-13. Link
Bamiatzi, V. C. & Kirchmaier, T. (2014). Strategies for superior performance under adverse conditions: A focus on small and medium-sized high-growth firms. International Small Business Journal, 32(3), 259-284. Link
Bannerjee, S., Bielli, S., & Haley, C. (2016). Scaling Together: Overcoming Barriers in Corporate-Start-up Collaboration. Nesta. Link
Barringer, B. R., Jones, F. F., & Neubaum, D. O. (2005). A quantitative content analysis of the characteristics of rapid-growth firms and their founders. Journal of business venturing, 20(5), 663-687. Link
Berman, J. (2016). Success in Africa: CEO Insights from a Continent on the Rise. Routledge. Link
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Birch, L. (2021). Perspectives on early stage venture capital in Africa. Part one with Zachariah George. Vauban. Link
Bocken, N. M., Fil, A., & Prabhu, J. (2016). Scaling up social businesses in developing markets. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 295-308. Link
Bos, J. W., & Stam, E. (2014). Gazelles and industry growth: a study of young high-growth firms in The Netherlands. Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(1), 145-169. Link
Boston Consulting Group. (2021). Overcoming Africa's Tech Startup Obstacles. Link
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Brigl, M., Dehnert, N., Gross-Selbeck, S., Roos, A., Schmieg, F., & Simon, S. (2018). How the Best Corporate Venturers Keep Getting Better. BCG. Link
Bright Africa (2021). Private Equity in Africa. Link
Bright Africa (2022). Private Equity Report. Link
Bright, J. (2019). Africa can list more gazelles at home than unicorn IPOs abroad. TechCrunch. Link
Briter Bridges (2021). Jobtech in Africa: expanding access to employment. Link
Briter Bridges (2022). HR tech and SME management companies in Africa. Link
Briter Bridges (2021). Y Combinator’s increasing investments in Africa and its cohorts' performances. Link
Briter Bridges (2021). Africa Investment Report. Link
Briter Bridges (2022). Innovating Food Systems in East Africa. Link
British International Investment (2022). The future of Impact Led Investing in Africa. Link
Brookings Institute (2018). The potential of manufacturing and industrialization in Africa: Trends, opportunities, and strategies. Link
Brookings Institute (2019). Africa's Untapped Business Potential: Countries, sectors, and strategist. Link
Brown, O. (2019). The mystery of market size in Nigeria. Medium. Link
Brown, R., & Mawson, S. (2013). Trigger points and high‐growth firms: A conceptualisation and review of public policy implications. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 20(2), 279-295. Link
Brown, R., & Mawson, S. (2016). Targeted support for high growth firms: Theoretical constraints, unintended consequences and future policy challenges. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34(5), 816-836. Link
Brown, R., Mawson, S., & Mason, C. (2017). Myth-busting and entrepreneurship policy: the case of high growth firms. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 29(5-6), 414-443. Link
Bryant, A. (2021). Does Culture really eat strategy for breakfast? Strategy + business. Link
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Chan, Y. E., Bhargava, N., & Street, C. T. (2006). Having arrived: the homogeneity of high‐growth small firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(3), 426-440. Link
Chatham House: The Royal Institute of International Affairs. (2017). Developing Businesses of Scale in Sub-Saharan Africa Insights from Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Link
Child, J., Hsieh, L., Elbanna, S., Karmowska, J., Marinova, S., Puthusserry, P., Tsai, T., Narooz, R., & Zhang, Y. (2017). SME international business models: The role of context and experience. Journal of World Business, 52(5): 664-679. Link
Chironga, M., Desvaux, G., & Leke, A. (2018). Rethinking the African Business Opportunity. McKinsey & Company. Link
Christensen, C., Ojomo, E., & van Bever, D. (2017). Africa’s New Generation of Innovators - How some entrepreneurs have succeeded in creating new markets where many global giants have failed. Harvard Business Review. Link
Christensen, C, Ojomo, E, Dillon, K (2019). The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty. Link
Choi, T., Robertson, J., & Rupasingha, A. (2013). High-growth firms in Georgia. Working Paper, No. 2013-20. Link
Chuku, F. & Murima, J. (2021). Y Combinator’s increasing investments in Africa and its cohorts' performances. Briter Bridges. Link
Cenfri (2019). Africa's Digital Platforms Trends Report. Link
Cirera, X., & Maloney, W. F. (2017). The innovation paradox: Developing-country capabilities and the unrealized promise of technological catch-up. World Bank Publications. Link
Clark, C., Massarsky, C. W., Raben, T. S., & Worsham, E. (2012). Scaling social impact: A literature toolkit for funders. Growth Philanthropy Network and Duke University. Link
Clay, A., & Paul, R. (2012). Open Innovation: A Muse for Scaling. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 10(4), 17–18. Link
Coad, A., Daunfeldt, S. O., Hölzl, W., Johansson, D., & Nightingale, P. (2014). High-growth firms: introduction to the special section. Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(1), 91-112. Link
Cochran, L. (2019). Rethinking the ‘Africa Play’: Why We Held Back from the Africa Investment Frenzy. Nextbillion. Link
Cohen, S. (2013). What do accelerators do? Insights from incubators and angels. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, 8(3), 19-25. Link
Cohen, S. L., Bingham, C. B., & Hallen, B. L. (2019). The role of accelerator designs in mitigating bounded rationality in new ventures. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4), 810-854. Link
Cohen, S., Fehder, D. C., Hochberg, Y. V., & Murray, F. (2019). The design of start-up accelerators. Research Policy, 48(7), 1781-1797. Link
Cohn, A. (2022). How Cofounders Can Prevent Their Relationship from Derailing. Harvard Business Review. Link
Collins, T. (2022). Payments landscape in Africa: Growth factors and untapped opportunities. Briter Bridges. Link
Collins, T. (2022). HR tech and SME management companies in Africa. Briter Bridges. Link
Colombo, M. G., Giannangeli, S., & Grilli, L. (2012). Public subsidies and the employment growth of high-tech start-ups: assessing the impact of selective and automatic support schemes. Industrial and Corporate Change, 22(5), 1273-1314. Link
Cooley, L., & Linn, J. F. (2014). Taking Innovations to Scale. Results for Development. Link
Cooper, S. Y., & Park, J. S. (2008). The impact of incubator organizations on opportunity recognition and technology innovation in new, entrepreneurial high-technology ventures. International Small Business Journal, 26(1), 27-56. Link
Coussa, G., Dhami, T., Kaneko, M., Kim, C., Llewellyn, D., & Schmidt, M. (2018). What Small and Growing Businesses Need to Scale Up: The Case for Effective Technical Assistance. Spring Impact, Numbers for Good & Argidius. Link
Coulibaly, S., Kassa, W., & Zeufack, A. G. (Eds.). (2022). Africa in the new trade environment: Market access in troubled times. World Bank Publications. Link
Coviello, N. (2019). Is a high-growth firm the same as a ‘scale-up’. Lazaridis Institute for the Management of Technology Enterprises, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada. Link
Cristina, R., Xavier, P., Samuel, L., Felix, D., Aaron, V., Costanza, T. (2020). Regulatory Sandboxes and Innovation Testbeds: A Look at International Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB. Link
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De Mol, E. (2019). What Makes a Successful Start-up Team? Harvard Business Review. Link
De la Tour, A. & Soussan, P. (2017). What Deep-Tech Start-ups Want from Corporate Partners. BCG. Link
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Decker, R. A., Haltiwanger, J., Jarmin, R. S., & Miranda, J. (2016). Declining business dynamism: What we know and the way forward. American Economic Review, 106(5), 203-07. Link
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